
Kyle S avatar image
Kyle S asked Jacob W2 answered

How to have a batch move forward if the order is smaller then the batch size

I have a model built using a process flow. Orders are randomly generated and vary is size. In the process, items are placed into master carton which fit 10 items in them. If the order is generated in factors of 10 this is not a problem but if the order is not then the batch can't proceed and the model stops. I know there is the wait time and idle time but this will skew the results of the model as time will pass that the real system would not include. I am not sure if there is either a way to set up the random numbers to be factors of 10 or a way for the batch to know if there are additional items left in the order. I have also thought about a decide function but was unsure how to code it to decide if there are more items left. is this request possible to do with my current model?

FlexSim Model.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.3
process flowbatching
flexsim-model.fsm (48.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered

Hi @Kyle S,

One way of approaching this is to use a max wait or max idle timer on your batch activity. The max wait timer will start a count as soon as a single token enters the activity and then will wait the set time and then batch and release all of the items currently waiting to reach the batch size.

The max idle timer works a bit differently where the timer is reset every time a token enters the activity.

As long as you have a good idea of how long you would like to wait for more items to enter the batch, this is a possible solution to your question.

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