
Stella avatar image
Stella asked Stella commented

Load and Unload Pallet to/from Rack

Hello, I have a model where I am trying to reuse 15 rack( symbolized by orange pallets) to move a pallet (green colored) to a banding station. The green pallet gets staged. The rack/orange pallets are returned to the staging area for transporter 1 to reuse. In summary, here are the tasks:

  1. Load rack/orange pallets (from Queue1) by Transporter1
  2. Trave to Banding Queue by Transporter1
  3. Load green pallets to rack/orange pallets by Transporter1
  4. Travel to stations by transporter1
  5. Unload both by Transporter1
  6. Then reversed, after banding process
  7. Load both by Transporter2
  8. Travel to DIMS SPA Staging by Transporter2
  9. Unload green pallet from rack/orange pallet by Transporter2
  10. Travel to stage rack by Transporter2
  11. Unload Rack/orange pallet by Transporter2
  12. Repeat steps 1 - 11

With my model, do I Run a subflow to complete step 1?

Do I add a source to produce just the 15 rack/orange pallets? I added a create object.

My model stopped running after I try to create the object (orange pallet), and unsure if it is because I could not connect the Queue1 to my travel network. I could not locate my travel network anymore, so wondering if there is a trick to be able to enter the node nearest to my queue?

Also, Do I need a combiner to stack Green on top of orange rack? How do I do that with a transporter? Is there an example model you can share to demonstrate similar process?

Any help appreciated. I attached my model for reference.

FlexSim 24.2.0
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Stella avatar image Stella commented ·
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Stella commented

The Create Objects activity is not working because the "OrangeRackQueue" somehow ended up above the Tools folder in the model tree. The activity apparently requires the Tools folder to be the first subnode of the model (which it normally is). Move the queue down on position (rank setting in the properties when selecting the node) and the model should reset and run properly again.


There are also numerous problems with missing labels and frankly nonsensical activity settings. For example, you can't close/open the input of a flowitem. Those options act on the ports of fixed resources.


I created a small example model that, I think, mostly matches what you describe.


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Stella avatar image Stella commented ·
Thank you for pointing out the custom code use. I will made edits based on your feedback. Thank you!
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