Hi, I am building a FlexSim model where an Operator is responsible for the following sequence of tasks:
1- Transport Flowitems: The Operator transports Flowitems from Queue 1 to a Processor.
2- Perform Setup Time: After each transport, the Operator performs a setup operation that takes 2 seconds.
3- Processing Flowitems: Once 15 Flowitems have been processed at the Processor, the Operator needs to:
a. Switch Queues: Move to Queue 2 and transport one Flowitem to the same Processor.
b. Extended Setup: Perform a different setup operation for this Flowitem, which takes 10 seconds.
4- Return to Queue 1: After completing the task for Queue 2, the Operator returns to Queue 1 to continue the cycle.
I keep getting an error which I believe is related to the way I am identifying my variable (processed Count) which tracks the output of the processor. Could be please advise. Thanks!