
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Patrick Zweekhorst commented

Changing speed resumes stopped conveyor


I have a conveyor that is stopped for some reasons in my model. There is some other logic that is changing speeds of conveyor (or the max speed they are allowed to run at during some time windows). When the speed is changed the stopped conveyor also starts running again. Since no resumeobject is called I would not have expected the conveyor to start running again.

Is this a bug, or just the way it works?
I have attached a simple example model. At time 100 the middle conveyor is stopped. At time 125 the speed is changed and the conveyor starts running again. In the tree I can however still see that the conveyor should have been stopped:


This seems to be messing things up when the logic stopping and starting conveyors starts running again.

Thanks in advance.



FlexSim 24.2.0
massflowconveyorspeedstopobjectresumeobjectspeed change
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Patrick Zweekhorst commented

I believe this is a bug, so I've added it to the development tracker. I couldn't come up with a good workaround, except to not change the speed of the conveyor until after it is resumed.

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