
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

Issues Error in System Console & Wait for Event

Nice day!, I have two issues in the simulation that I share.

1) I am getting the following error in System Console: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction250__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object, how can I fix it?1724824960113.png

2) How can I change my truck arrival logic so that the truck token waits for the queue at the dock where the loaded pallets were unloaded to empty (MuelleEntrada1 ... MuelleEntrada6)? I imagine I could use a "Wait for Event" element but in this case I don't know how to apply it.


IF Warehouse v1.8.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.4
process flowqueuesystem consolewaitforeventobjectfunction
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if-warehouse-v18.fsm (467.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Josué Islas commented

You are unloading the pallets to a temporary storage and then move them into it a second time with a Move Object activity. This results in two events for the minimum dwell time of the storage but the first missing the item reference because the pallet after the event was created.

Remove one of the two marked activities to fix the error.


You can use the "On Content Change" to await the queue becoming empty again. Here you can refer to it as the second outObject of the separator.


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