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willy asked Felix Möhlmann commented

zone picking

Hello everyone,

Here is my model for zone picking. Could you help me reorganize the items on the shelves according to the ABC classification method? Currently, my classification is random. Additionally, I noticed that my pickers are only picking items of the same color. Could you help me adjust it so that they pick items of different colors? Thank you.

FlexSim 24.2.1
zone picking
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·
How would you use ABC classification in this case. The items are equally likely to be picked and there is also only minimal difference in accessibility of the slots. I don't see how this method could be applied here.

The first operator will currently always pick two different random colors. The second operator will pick two items with the same type and the first item picked by the first operator. The same is applied to the third operator who picks two items of the same type and the second item.

If all of them should pick random colors why don't you just replicate the logic of the first operator for the other two?

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