
sam900122 avatar image
sam900122 asked sam900122 commented

zone picking process flow

Hello everyone, I have only recently come into contact with flexsim, so I would like to ask you what if I want to move the pallet on the conveyor belt to the first rack and wait for the first worker to put the box on the rack on the pallet of the conveyor belt and then move it to the second rack.

Below is my preliminary model. Please tell me how to do my process flow, or are there other methods? thank you


FlexSim 24.0.0
process flowzone picking
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered sam900122 commented

Here's a basic example of how this could be build. An Event-Triggered Source reacts to a pallet arriving at a decision point. The pallet is stopped and the respective operator is send to pick a box and place it on the pallet. The pallet is then resumed on the conveyor.


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sam900122 avatar image sam900122 commented ·

That was excactly what i was trying to achieve. Thank you so much for your help !

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