
K_yun avatar image
K_yun asked K_yun commented

TE stopped at wrong ControlPoint instead the one specified in tasksequence



The problem I encountered in the attached model is that the TE stopped in advance at the wrong control point instead of the one specified in its travel task. And it began to unload the item to "Buffer2".

Through the AGV class method (.currentCP), The OHT1's current cp is CP102 instead of CP101 where it truly currently stopped. Let's take a look at the CP102's tree structure. Nothing exists inside its allocation node.

This is odd. Can anyone give a clue?


@anthony.johnson @Jason Lightfoot @Felix Möhlmann

FlexSim 22.0.16
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·
This doesn't happen for me in the model you uploaded. Are you sure you uploaded the correct versionP The CP on the right is not named ControlPoint102 in the uploaded version, for example.

Also, what exact FlexSim version are you using. I tested this in 22.0.5 and 22.0.16.

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K_yun avatar image K_yun Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thanks for your reply. I updated the model in which CP101 corresponds to buffer1 and CP102 corresponds to buffer2. And the version is 22.0.1

You mean nothing like the picture above shows up as you run the model?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann K_yun commented ·

No, for me OHT1 moves to the correct location before unloading.


Then I get error messages at around 104s that ultimately bring the model to a halt. (The node that is supposed to be assigned as unload station in "变更标签" is not found. As a result the label does not have a valid value in the next activity.)

Maybe try updating to the latest bugfix release (22.0.16). It might be a bug that was fixed in 22.0.3.


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