
Junji Itoh avatar image
Junji Itoh asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Issue with Connecting Vertical Paths: How to Use Network Nodes?


Hello, In the attached model, I am using a script to generate vertical and horizontal paths, but the vertical paths don’t connect properly.

I found a similar question on the forum, but I don’t fully understand the explanation about how to "use network nodes instead of paths."

Could someone provide more details or an example of how to do this?

Thank you in advance.


FlexSim 24.0.3
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Just create your network nodes in the intersection locations - example attached.


You'll then need to connect them up using contextdragconnection() since the OutObjects property looks to be fired during the creation and not after all objects exist.

Note: you can avoid using unsupported function_s calls by using the Objects() properties tables like this for AGV paths and control points too.

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