
luis-rodrigues avatar image
luis-rodrigues asked luis-rodrigues commented

Input record of machines not working

Hi, I'm working on a model which the transporters load the machines.

In my model I have a statistic collector that tells me how much of each material goes to the machines.

I've introduced AGVs to the model and somehow this collector stopped working properly, and it was working fine on the non AGV model.


For example, the ML12 is getting way too much material then what is supposed.

I don't know if this material is actually getting loaded or is just the collector not working

V1 27-09.fsm

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 24.1.0
statistic collectormaterial input
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Hi @Felix Möhlmann I don't know if you want me to create another topic for this but I'm analysing the results of the Simulation between the model with forklifts and the model with "AGVs" and I'm seeing too much variation in the output of some machines like ML02 etc.


Is this "normal" or something is wrong?

(Sorry to border you)


mlall-agv C1.fsm

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered luis-rodrigues commented

I assume this happens because two AGVs can now get materials for a queue at a time where previously, because there was a single fixed transporter per pair of queues, this was not possible. The second token to enter the Load Materials subflow would not take into account the material that is already being replenished by the first and thus potentially doubling up on the input.

If it's not a requirement that parallel input tasks are possible, I would try to limit the subflow to one token per queue at a time. (Also include the "Acquire Transport" activity in the zone to not have acquired AGVs that wait for the zone to clear)


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luis-rodrigues avatar image luis-rodrigues commented ·

If I understood correctly, if I do that I won't be able to load two machines at the same time for example right?

I can't change the logic of the model because I'm going to compare it with the base model without AGVs.

Anyway I've tried to do as you said and I'm still getting too much material for ML12 for example.


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann luis-rodrigues commented ·
As far as I can tell you are comparing the numbers from the model with historic data? Are you sure that the numbers are based on the same amount of throughput? Have you compared the amount of delivered material to what would be expected based on the number of times each recipe was run?

I don't see anything wrong with the logic. For each token it checks if enough of each material needed in the recipe is present in the queue. If not it moves as many items of that type to the queue as are mandated by the "MaterialType" table.

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luis-rodrigues avatar image luis-rodrigues Felix Möhlmann commented ·
@Felix Möhlmann somehow I can't see the last answers you sent, althought I can read the last answer in my email but I can't see the image, can you send me again please? Sorry but I don't know whats wrong with this post
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