
tom-1 avatar image
tom-1 asked Jeanette F answered

Four-way shuttle case error: Bad Task Executer/Task Sequence reference

Hello, everyone, I am a beginner, I am learning to build a four-way shuttle car model, but there is an error, I do not know what the reason, could you please help me.

The specific error is as follows:

time: 40.904861 exception: FlexScript exception: MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/工艺流程/ElevatorToAgv~2>variables/var3

time: 41.779807 exception: Error: Bad Task Executer/Task Sequence reference in starting Task Executer activity "AgvToElevator" in process flow "工艺流程"


FlexSim 22.0.16
task executertaskexecutorstaskerror
4shuttle.fsm (74.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Tom_,
The error tells you that in a specific activity in the process flow the task sequence defined is causing an error. Look into that field in the process flow activity to resolve the error.

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