
Sabrina S avatar image
Sabrina S asked Sabrina S commented

Missing Content in the List while Pulling

Hello all,

while pulling something from a list, the Content is not on the List anymore.
We tried more than one list, but same behavior with every list, see the 3 lists in screenshot.


The list is filled while objects entering a queue. When we choose e.g. the list that is filled from 3D, it hasn't the content, while you can see in the disconnected sources, that there would be objects at the queue available. When connecting another list, it is same situation but with the list connected.

The list was working in many runs before.
Do you have any idea how to solve?

FlexSim 24.1.1
pull from listcontent error
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Sabrina S commented

There are 100 tokens in each source, so I presume that 100 items entered. There are also 10 tokens that have passed the first Pull from List activity. Each of which would have pulled 10 entries as specified in the properties, leaving the list empty.

So the situation in the screenshot seems like what would be expected based on the available information.

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Sabrina S avatar image Sabrina S commented ·

Thank you Felix, you are right, we had a logical fault in there.

(After a decide (if more than 10 in queue) it should create a token to a subflow which pulls the 10 from the list. Unfortunately it circles again to the decide, so the next decide reacts already and creates a token for each element that is bigger than 10, and not only "every 10".
We need to check how to solve, as the process reaches the decide only when 100 are already in.

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