
hby avatar image
hby asked hby commented

AGV Cycle Time and Takt Time Calculation Errors


I’m trying to calculate the cycle time for each AGV. I created a calculated table to get the difference between the start control point and the end control point. However, the problem is that the row keeps getting updated each time the AGV passes through these control points, so I don’t get the correct values. The same issue occurs with the takt time. Any suggestions?

Thank you !

cycletime and takttime values.fsm1728986112575.png



FlexSim 24.2.0
agvcalculated tablecycle timetakt time
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered hby commented

I would collect the duration of each cycle in a Statistics Collector. In the attached model I use the OnArrival event of CP71 because that is guaranteed to always happen exactly once per cycle (other Pre-Arrival events might happen twice due to your preemption logic).

When the event fires and a row for that AGV exists in the collector, it stores the duration since the last arrival and finishes the row. The collector listens for the event twice. The second instance creates a new row for the AGV and stores the initial arrival time. This way there is always exactly one "open" row per AGV.

You could then use a Calculated Table to further analyze the data (average, max, latest, ...).


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hby avatar image hby commented ·
Thank you !
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