
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Rocio A commented

Disable work cells

Hello ,

I have 4 work cells. Each one is composed of a RackKitPieces, a RackKitScrews, a processor, an operator and a RackSalida.

I need to be able to enable or disable each work cell before hitting Run.

I needed this to be done through some buttons on a dashboard.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 24.1.1
groupsdisablework cell
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Rocio A commented

Not sure what exactly you mean by "disabling" here, since there is no logic yet in the model. But closing/opening inputs/outputs or stopping/resuming objects is relatively easy to do with dashboard inputs like a checkbox or button.


(To use them, the dashboard has to be switched out of edit mode)

celdastrabajo-1.fsm (62.5 KiB)
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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A commented ·

Hello @Felix Möhlmann ,

Thank you very much for the information. This can guide me where I should direct the work.

But I have a question about the Toggle Processor 5 button?

what is 44 in stopID?

Thanks in advance.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Rocio A commented ·
It's an arbitrary number to identify the "stop". An object can accumulate multiple stops. Using stop IDs allows FlexSim to match a resume command with the respective stop so it can know what state the object should return to.

For example, an object could be linked to both a time table and an MTTR/MTBF. If the corresponding down times overlap it is important to use different stop IDs so the object will be placed in the correct state when one of them ends. 44 seemed like a "random enough" number, that it would be unlikelyto collide with other logik that stops the processor.

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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Thank you for your information!!
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