
IEThai avatar image
IEThai asked Logan Gold commented

How to use Custom Code: Stop Token

If I set the token to stop and want to continue, what methods can I use?

Process 1 will continuously loop, while Process 2 will generate a token that will stop the work in Process 1 and run Process 2 one token at a time until it completes. After that, Process 1 will continue its work.1730432600705.png1.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.0
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited



Token.stop() is a direct method to set a referenced token to stay in its activity.

Token.resume() remove last stop call. If there aren’t any other stops pending, the token does its current activity again.

Untested: If a token behaves similar to an item, then you can call stops more often on it. Then you need to recall resume as often as you have called stop on it.

You can access a token by command gettoken, if there aren’t any lokal variables declared. Other command gettokens or Token class method byID.

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