
WillRS avatar image
WillRS asked WillRS commented

Priority changing alternately over time

Hello everyone!

In this model, I have a truck loading process that works based on priority, depending on the schedule.

For example, Type 1 trucks have priority in the first 6 hours of simulation, then Type 3 trucks have priority for another 6 hours, alternating.

During the Type 1 priority schedule, I can have a maximum of 2 docks at the same time for Type 3 loading.

During the Type 3 priority schedule, I can have a maximum of 2 docks at the same time for Type 1 loading.

I tried to solve this in two ways:

1) I tried to create priorities for the docks and invert between Schedule 1 and Schedule 2. But this logic did not work!

2) I created a zone to restrict the access of tokens that were not priority, to a maximum of 2, through partition. This worked, but I cannot update the partition restrictions by code. I don't know if it's possible using Process Flow Variable

Another alternative, which might work, would be to emulate a zone from a list, but I couldn't create this logic.

Could you help me?


FlexSim 23.0.15
zonestoken priority
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered WillRS commented

I would probably use a list with a custom expression that is used to forbid a given type from pulling a dock when that would surpass the limit.

In the attached example model a partitioned zone is used to be able to tell how many docks (processors) are occupied by a given type. The limit is part of the list field code. During 12AM to 12PM type 2 must not pull more than 2 processors at a time, from 12PM to 12AM type 1 is limited.


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