
Junji Itoh avatar image
Junji Itoh asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Some control points catch "pre-arrival" events, and some don't.


In the attached model, the top floor entrance control point catches the "On Pre Arrival" event, but the other entrance control points do not.

What could cause this, and how can I make the control points in such a layout catch the "On Pre Arrival" event?




FlexSim 24.0.4
agvcontrol pointson pre arrival
on-pre-arrival.png (100.6 KiB)
on-pre-arrival.fsm (40.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

AGV paths are not meant to be used vertically. While you can arrange them that way, the control points don't snap correctly to the paths. If you activate the drawing of allocation indicators you can see that the entrance CPs of the first two floor never get allocated at all.

A possible workaround is to place the path into a different object (like a plane) and then change the orientation of the plane.


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