
hikel avatar image
hikel asked hikel commented

Excelauto import

I have excel file which contains multiple sheets that has parts and weight for that part. Is there any way to import automatic all sheets in excel file for empirical distribution for each sheet. instead of one by one as it will take a lot of time to do so


FlexSim 23.2.2
excel importdistributionsexcelauto
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered hikel commented

You can use the various "excel...()" commands to write a script that imports the data from each sheet. You will still need an array that contains all sheet names and an automatic import is only going to be feasible if the data is formatted in the same way on each sheet.

// Importing a block of data
excelopen(path); excelsetsheet(sheetName); excelimporttable(table, startRow, startCol, numRows, numCols);
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hikel avatar image hikel commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann is there any way to import directly into empirical distribution with the weight. the sheets in the excel file all have 2 columns, but each sheet has a different rows


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann hikel commented ·

Sure. The table of the empirical distribution is saved as a bundle node. Cast it as a table and then write data to it as you would to a global table.

Here's some example code. If you have an array of sheet and distribution names you can run everything from line 4 up to the last line in a for-loop for each array entry.

string filePath = "C:/Users/felix/Downloads/DistributionExample.xlsx";

string empDistName = "Test1";
string sheetName = "Test1";
Table data = Model.find("Tools/EmpiricalDistributions/" + empDistName + ">variables/data");

int row = 1;
while(excelreadstr(row, 1) != "")
    while(data.numRows < row)
    data[row][1] = excelreadstr(row, 1);
    data[row][2] = excelreadnum(row, 2);
    row += 1;
while(data.numRows >= row)




(If you download the files to try for yourself, you obviously have to update the file path in the code.)

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hikel avatar image hikel Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thank you @Felix Möhlmann I changed your code to work for multiple array. just wondering if it can be done without creating empty empirical distribution array first so it can created automatically?

string filePath = "C:/Users/Hikel/Downloads/testss.xlsx";

Array empDistNames = ["Test1", "Test2"];
Array sheetNames = ["Test1", "Test2"];

int maxRows = empDistNames.length;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxRows; i++) {
    string empDistName = empDistNames[i];
    string sheetName = sheetNames[i];

    Table data = Model.find("Tools/EmpiricalDistributions/" + empDistName + ">variables/data");

    int row = 1;
    while (excelreadstr(row, 1) != "" && row < 100) {
        while (data.numRows < row) {
        data[row][1] = excelreadstr(row, 1);
        data[row][2] = excelreadnum(row, 2);
        row += 1;

    while (data.numRows >= row) {

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