
jon avatar image
jon asked jon commented

Taking personalized amounts of objects in combiner

How can I take a personalized amount of objects in a combiner from the same port but in an interspersed way? For example I have 3 type of palets and I want to put for the palet Type 1, 3 objects of port 1, 3 of port 2 and 3 of port 1 again, then for the palet Type 2, I want another distribution; 4 of port 1, again 4 of port 1 and finally 4 of port 2.

Is possible to do it without using code? I have tried using a global table but I don´t know how to pick objects from a port that I have already used for the same palet type.

FlexSim 24.1.0
custom combiner
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered jon commented

You can only, and this cannot be changed, always through port 1 exactly one item. This can be box, a pallet, a tote and so on. Any other port can change the amount of received items. By default there is a picklist template option that updates the components list on Entry trigger by a label value at first entered item from port 1. The values are in a global table.

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