
Eusebio avatar image
Eusebio asked Eusebio commented

offset travel loaded

Why when Transporter1 deposits the pallet with the sheets in the separator1, it is observed that the sheets separate and do not stay together?


And why at some points during the simulation run, in the operator status it shows: "offset travel loaded" ???


The simulation then crashes.

Can someone help me?


FlexSim 22.2.0
blockedoffset travelunpack
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troqueladora.fsm (105.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Eusebio commented

Not sure what exactly is happening, but the "updatelocations()" command in the OnSend event of the pallet messes up some logic when the separator unpacks the pallet all at once. Due to this the items are placed wrong and the operator eventually gets stuck in a load task. (Offset travel empty is a normal part of a load task)

If you remove that line everything works correctly.


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Eusebio avatar image Eusebio commented ·

Thank you very much for your reply...

It was very helpful...

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