
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Arun Kr answered

How to tackle -ve values from distribution without impacting mean value?

Hi Team,

I observed that whenever lognormal distribution is throwing negative values, it is picking the 0 value for repair time which is not possible in real system.


I would like to filter the 0 values from the table. But my concern is that it will impact the mean value of distribution. What are the other ways to handle this problem?


Thank you!

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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered

Try avoiding -ve or zero values in the MTTR value by modifying the code using a while loop.

  1. double repairTime = -1
  2. while (repairTime <= 0) {
  3. repairTime = lognormalmeanstdev(84.13, 110.3, getstream(current));
  4. }
  5. return repairTime;

If this is not is acceptable try some minimum repair time when the repair time becomes less than or equal to zero.

  1. double repairTime =lognormalmeanstdev(84.13, 110.3, getstream(current));
  2. if(repairTime <=0)
  3. {
  4. repairTime = minRepairTime;
  5. }


Arun KR

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