
mhf423 avatar image
mhf423 asked mhf423 commented

Custom Chart Label for Process Flow Path

Hi everyone,

I have a pretty straight-forward problem but I've been stuck for quite a while.

tutorialbasicsdone (2).fsm

I am trying to label and display "Happy Customers" and "Unhappy Customers" instead of the entire process flow path.


I've been trying different methods to make the right labels but it always results in error.

This is what it looks like now:

It would be much appreciated if anyone could help me do it correctly :)

FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered mhf423 commented

Sorry, I missed your follow up comment on your previous question.

First some background info on why you this is what is being displayed:

The Statistics Collector saves a unique ID number that corresponds to the object/activity in the "Object" column. When this value gets displayed somewhere it is automatically translated back into the tree path to the object.


If you use a default "Output" chart and don't install the chart components, you can edit how much of this path is displayed in the "Object Format Depth" field in the Advanced tab of the chart properties.


The same setting exits in the General tab of the Statistics Collector. Set that to 1 and only the first level of the path - the object's name itself - will be displayed.


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