PBL_con sources y sin actualizar buffers 1.fsm
I want to tell the Buffer that through Port1 (the one that goes from Buffer RM to Fusion Moulding1), it should send items with the labels Ref==1, Ref==3, Ref==6. Then, when it sends a Ref==1 item, it should count with a counter until this counter equals gettablenum(“Demand Semi2”, item.Ref, CurrentDay), taking into account that CurrentDay is already created and is a global variable that updates every day. Once the counter reaches that value, it should reset to 0, and Ref==1 items should stop being sent. Instead, Ref==3 items would be sent until the counter matches gettablenum(“Demand Semi2”, item.Ref, CurrentDay). Afterward, Ref==3 items would stop being sent, and Ref==6 items would begin to be sent, with the counter reset to 0. When the sent items match the gettablenum(“Demand Semi2”, item.Ref, CurrentDay) value, it should start over and send Ref==1 items again.
The same process should happen in parallel on Port 2 (from Buffer RM to Fusion Moulding) with items having references Ref==2, Ref==4, and Ref==5. The values that the counter should match before changing from one Ref to another are also found in the table “Demand Semi2”, item.Ref, CurrentDay.
It should be noted that the values in “Demand Semi2” are calculated daily and are never fixed, as they come from a formula.
How can I do this? Is there a simpler way to achieve this?