
Morgan Ulesich avatar image
Morgan Ulesich asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Object Reference to Object Connected to Output Port Using Port Number

I have an object with many different output ports. Is there a way to get the object reference in the tree by using the output port number?

I tried executing the following string to get object that is connected to Queue1's output port 132, but it does not give me the proper tree reference. "model.find("Queue1>connections/connectionsout/132")"

FlexSim 17.0.3
output porttree access
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

Use the object's outObjects array:

  1. Object queue = model().find("Queue1");
  2. Object connectedObject = queue.outObjects[132];

Or as a single line:

  1. model().find("Queue1").as(Object).outObjects[132];

Often you'll use this code in an object's trigger and can just use current (since Object current is defined in the header):

  1. current.outObjects[132];
· 1
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