
Cam Seams avatar image
Cam Seams asked Sam Stubbs commented

Separator - How do I split a work item and send to different output ports?

I have 2 work item types in my model: ItemType1 and ItemType2.

Both ItemType1 and ItemType2 enter the separator.

ItemType 1 does not need to be split, only processed and then sent to a specific output port.

ItemType2 needs to be split into 2 work items, then 1 of each of the split work items needs to be routed to different ports. If one of the output ports is blocked, then neither of the newly split work items can exit the separator.

I do not have the option to send ItemType2 to 2 different output ports, while also holding block restrictions on it within the flow tab. Looking for some help on this one, thanks.


separatoroutput portitemtype by port
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

I think I may have spoken to you over the phone. Like I said, you'll probably find the easiest way to control your logic is with a Process Flow.. I've created a simple example that does roughly as you described, that turns a processor into a separator. (The last requirement of having the items stay in the processor could be achieved using Resource acquisition or Lists)

Here is my sample model for you to look at.


simpletest.fsm (21.9 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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