
Alejandro avatar image
Alejandro asked Felix Möhlmann answered

one processor many operators at the time

Hi, im trying to make a processor that receives one type of product, this processor capacity depends on my free operators and the product must be proced just by one operator, i mean if the processor has two products must be 2 operators each one working in a single product, not both, so when the first product is finished the first operator is idle while the other one stills working o the other product.

Also I dont know how to make that a procesor needs 3 operator but just one from 3 types of operators there are but if theres one left it doesn't begins to operate, also with the condition I mentioned in the paragraph before.


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

As Jörg already alluded to, a processor is not suited to handle multiple items in parallel but individually. You can't pause the process of only one item, for example.

Apart from simply using multiple processors, you could also implement custom logic for an object in Process Flow. Attached is an example that allows an unlimited number of items, as long as operators are available. And what type(s) of operator are required can be set for each item type.


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