My model contains a fitted distribution of environmental service clean times of operating rooms based on real data. I am looking to add or subtract minutes from random clean times selected from this distribution as a model parameter. For example, if the randomly selected clean process time for a room was 10.5 minutes, I want to set a parameter to -2 which would subtract 2 minutes from the randomly selected time and yield 8.5 minutes. This would allow me to see how the other performance measures respond under a the gross assumption of 2 minute decrease in clean times. This fitted distribution is currently called each time one of the 20 operating rooms is cleaned.
I have reviewed the following answers from this forum:
The picture below shows my latest attempt. Although no errors, there was no change to my output. Do I need to put something in the 'On set' property? I realize I am sacrificing true randomness, but this is the best way I could think how to study impacts on changes in clean times. Is what I am looking to do possible?