
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Maryam H2 commented

How to reference to a statistical distribution in parameters table?


How can I refer to a statistical distribution in the Parameters table? and probably how can I change different parameters of a statistical distribution if I want to test the changes in the Experimenter or Optimizer?

For example, if this is a triangular distribution with TR(min, max, mode) how can I change the values for min, max, the mode in the Parameters table? Is it possible?


FlexSim 21.2.3
parametersstatistical distributionreference
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The "Expression" parameter type allows you to write FlexScript as the parameter value, which will get evaluated when the parameter is called.

There is also nothing stopping you from referencing other parameters within that expression.

So you could have one parameter hold the distribution as an expression and take the values for it from others.



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Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 answered Maryam H2 commented

@Felix Möhlmann Thanks for the explanation! I want to use this parameter to change a processing time in my patient flow. The eprocessing times will be read from a global table and for each label the processing times are different. The values in the global table are following statitical distributions and I want to be able to change them afterwards by changing parameters in the Experimenter as you mentioned. So in the "distribution" should I use a "Set Global Table Value" under " On Set" and define which row/column I am referring to in the global table?

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