
kevinchen avatar image
kevinchen asked kevinchen edited

How to Use the old model to connect to the USD stage.

As the title, I tried to connect the old model to Omniverse, but it failed.
I tried the two methods mentioned in the previous response, but none of them worked.

First method of creating a new USD file can be partially successful.

Only few object can load in simobject


The second method is not applicable in my case. No objects can be successfully connected, and individually moving objects to the USD stage using MoveObject would take a amount of time.

This model was created in version 23.1. Since the USD stage was only introduced in version 23.2, it is being run in version 23.2.

Are there any other methods to solve this problem? Thank you.

FlexSim 23.2.3
omniverseusd stageold versionolder model
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