
G C avatar image
G C asked Brandon Peterson edited

Dashboard error while using process flow logic

I'm using process flow to dictate all logic within my 3d model. I want to get utilization statistics back from my operators, but they do not change states while using logic from process flow. To fix this, I added a custom code before my delay bubble with these lines:

  1. treenode operator = getlabel(token, "Operator Resource");
  2. treenode ts = createemptytasksequence(operator, NULL, NULL);
  3. inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_UTILIZE, item, NULL, 0);
  4. dispatchtasksequence(ts);

I added the same code after the delay bubble, except it is releasing my operators. This seems to work, and I can see my operators changing states. However, when I now try to get statistics from the 3d model, I get this error:

exception: Exception caught in flexscript execution of VIEW:/active/StateAnalysisProperties579109024/tabcontrol/Colors/Scroll/Panel>eventfunctions/getRGBColor line 18 instruction 120 (evaluating command parameter 1 as number). Discontinuing execution.

exception: Exception caught in flexscript execution of VIEW:/active/StateAnalysisProperties579109024/tabcontrol/Colors/Scroll/Panel>eventfunctions/getRGBColor line 18 instruction 120 (evaluating command parameter 2 as number). Discontinuing execution.

exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() flexscript execution VIEW:/active/StateAnalysisProperties579109024/tabcontrol/Colors/Scroll/Panel>eventfunctions/getRGBColor c: VIEW:/active/StateAnalysisProperties579109024/tabcontrol/Colors/Scroll/Panel theclass: VIEW:/active/StateAnalysisProperties579109024/tabcontrol/Colors/Scroll/Panel

How do I fix this?

FlexSim 16.0.1
process flowoperatorstatisticsutilizationstate chart
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered G C commented

G C,

I'm not really sure what is up with your model. I can't seem to track it down. But I did create my own, like yours, with some differences in the ProcessFlow blocks. The model seems to work for me. Take a look at it and see if you have any questions or comments about what I have done.


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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

As far as I can tell, this problem was caused by a bug with the state profile mechanism, which was updated in version 16.0. At some point, the operator's state was set to 101, which added 50 states to the operator's state profile. In version 7.7, those state had names like "state 51" and "state 52", etc. In version 16.0, due to a bug, new state names are all set to "NULL".

The chart assumed that all state names would be unique, but since 50 states are all named "NULL", that isn't true anymore. This bug will be fixed in future releases. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Paul Toone edited


G C,

While I'm looking at your model, attached is a simple model that I've created to show that using Process Flow, the Operator stats seem to show up just fine.

Take a look at the model and see what you think. In the mean time, I will look at your model.


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