
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
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Lilian Fonseca asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to use decision points?

Is there any general FlexSim tutorial about how to create decision points? I've just found one regarding the Healthcare version, but as I am working with an industry production line it seems confusing for me to use...


FlexSim 16.0.1
conveyordecision points
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Jason Lightfoot commented

To create decision points just drag one from the library onto a conveyor. The most common way to use decision points is to add logic to their On Arrival and On Continue triggers which can be accessed by double clicking on a decision point. You can also use Process Flow to listen to the On Arrival or On Continue events of the decision point and then carry out logic there.

The Conveyor module help manual has not yet been uploaded on this site, but you can find it in the software in Help > User Manual and opening the conveyor section. The help manual talks more about the objects in the conveyor libray and gives examples of how they're used.

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