
Ali H avatar image
Ali H asked Ali H commented

How unblock a conveyor with product in the line?

unblock-conveyor.fsm I attached file, an itemtype passes through the top conveyor, but when it finishes accumulating, it prevents the conveyor from right advancing straight (photo attachment), try using photo eye but it takes a long time to move forward. What can I do? block-conveyor.png

FlexSim 7.7.4
conveyordecision pointsblockconveyor desicion point
block-conveyor.png (165.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Ali H commented

If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, my attached model is one way to do this. In the updated model, the Photo Eye sends a message to the first Control Point when OnBlock is triggered, which then sets a label called "block". Based on this label, further items of itemtype 3 are routed to Conveyor19. The problem with what you were trying to do is that items sent to the exit transfer can't leave the conveyor until they reach the transfer.

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