
Zixuan Xiong avatar image
Zixuan Xiong asked Zixuan Xiong commented

3D Model - Triggers

I have setup the reset positions for several transportersin the ResetTrigger in 3D model and I want to reset the position again during the execution of the model.

Is that possible to point at the parameters inside the triggers of the object in 3D model while running in ProcessFlow?

/SPallet Jack1>variables/resettrigger

FlexSim 7.7.4
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Zixuan Xiong commented

Rather than trying to pull the parameters out of the reset trigger you could always store the parameters somewhere where both the reset trigger and your process flow activity could reference them, for example: in a global table or on labels on the object.

If you really just want to execute all the code that's in the reset trigger you could use the nodefunction() command to execute the code in the reset trigger. For example, if a reference to your object is stored on the myObject label of the token:

  1. nodefunction(getvarnode(getlabel(token, "myObject"), "resettrigger"));
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