
michael.smith avatar image
michael.smith asked michael.smith commented

Experimenter Triggers - Order of Execution

Can somebody please confirm the order of execution for the experimenter and the existing Model Triggers. I'm trying to import data and use the reset trigger to process that import before starting the experiment. I'm aiming to make sure the model can be run from the experimenter and regular flexsim without too much modification.

FlexSim HC 5.0.12
experimentertriggerstriggerexperimenter trigger execution order
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered michael.smith commented

I created a small test model that on each model trigger and experimenter trigger writes to an external file. In this way, we can get a list of each trigger firing in order.

Here is the result of a 2 replication, 1 scenario experimenter run. I forced the experimenter to use just 1 core so that this list wouldn't be jumbled up:

  1. start of experiment
  2. model reset
  3. model reset, r=1, s=1
  4. start of replication, r=1, s=1
  5. model run start, r=1, s=1
  6. end of warmup, r=1, s=1
  7. model run stop, r=1, s=1
  8. end of replication, r=1, s=1, childexpfolder? no
  9. end of replication, r=1, s=1, childexpfolder? yes
  10. model reset, r=2, s=1
  11. start of replication, r=2, s=1
  12. model run start, r=2, s=1
  13. end of warmup, r=2, s=1
  14. model run stop, r=2, s=1
  15. end of replication, r=2, s=1, childexpfolder? no
  16. end of replication, r=2, s=1, childexpfolder? yes
  17. end of experiment

The test model is attached for your own experimenting. It writes to a test.txt file in the same directory where it is saved.

In case you're wondering why the end of replication trigger is called twice for each replication, see this answer.

test.fsm (64.3 KiB)
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Arun Kr avatar image
1 Like"
Arun Kr answered Adrian Haws rolled back

Hi Michael,

The Experimenter trigger order of execution :

Start of Experiment

Start of Replication

End of Warmup Time

End of Replication

End of Experiment

Model Trigger Order of Execution:

On Model Open

On Reset

On Run Start

On Run Stop


Arun KR

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