
Amelia avatar image
Amelia asked Amelia commented

How to stop a processor while another processor is busy?

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a simulation in FlexSim and need some help. I want two preceding processors ("cięcie_1_1" and "cięcie_1_2") to pause their operations while the "frezowanie" process is running. The goal is for them to wait until "frezowanie" completes its processing before continuing.

I’ve tried using triggers like On Entry and On Exit with some scripting, but it's not working.

I’d greatly appreciate any tips, examples, or suggestions on how to solve this.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!!

FlexSim 24.2.1
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered Amelia commented

Hi Amelia,

I don't know what your approach was for the trigger scripts, but using object.stop() and object.resume() does the job. I have created and set up two triggers (On Setup Finish and On Process Finish, but you could change them to On Entry, On Exit or whatever option suits the behaviour you desire to replicate better) on your attached model. gu-jit.fsm

I hope it helps!

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