
Ajay Bhesaniya avatar image
Ajay Bhesaniya asked Ben Wilson commented

Optimal build and monitoring for demand.

The End goal of this modeling effort is to find the Optimal Queue capacity for each product that would satisfy a rate of demand fed through the demand table. Is there a way to quickly get to that number?

**This question was originally part of a followup question. The original question thread is found here.

FlexSim 16.0.1
pull strategy
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Ben Wilson commented

The best way to do this is with OptQuest because you don’t need to have the info, you can just set certain variables and it will do multiple replications. However, this requires a separate license.

Also you can go to the Experimenter in the Statistics tab, add Variables and data in the scenarios tab inside the Experimenter, and run replications in the Experiment Run. You can then view the data from your experiments.

· 3
5 |100000

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Ajay Bhesaniya avatar image Ajay Bhesaniya commented ·

I like the idea of doing replications using the Experimenter. I will give a try.

Thanks Adrian!

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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws commented ·

You're welcome, I hope you're able to find the data you're looking for.

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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws commented ·

Also, there is an Experimenter/ Optimizer Example in the User Manual, which you might find helpful.

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