
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
Lilian Fonseca asked Sam Stubbs commented

How to avoid overlapping using a photo eye set up to stop and release the output of the source?

I would like to control my line so that when the photo eye is blocked by a flowitem, it should stop the source output and just reopen it as soon as the flowitem leaves the photo eye. This way my model will not face overlapping of products anymore.

FlexSim 16.0.1
photo eyeoverlapping
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

You can do this by going into the Photo Eye properties and under the On Block trigger, you can add a Code Snippet and call the stopoutput() method. Just reference the Source object as the parameter. Then under the On Clear trigger just add a Code Snippet with the resumeoutput() method using the same object as the parameter.

photoeyestop.png (23.4 KiB)
· 5
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