
Kaitlyn Karas avatar image
Kaitlyn Karas asked Phil BoBo commented

FlexSim crashing when I change a bar chart to a line chart

Why does FlexSim crash when I change my custom graph from a Bar Chart to Line Chart? The same graph (referencing the same table but a different column) in another dashboard works correctly as a Line Graph.

(FlexSim 7.7.2)

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dashboardscustom graph
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Phil BoBo commented

We took a look at your model and were able to find what was causing the problem. Basically the "Series Title" of the custom chart was too long. When we removed it the line chart functioned properly (the title could also be shortened). This is edited within the custom chart's Properties window under the "Data" tab.

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