The attached model, "Acuity.fsm," was designed some time ago to show how to model the fact that the passage of time affects a patient's acuity. In a nutshell, when patients classified as "Immediate" or "Urgent" wait too long to be seen or treated, their acuity increases from one classification to the next until they eventually die from lack of medical treatment or attention. It's a vital aspect of mass casualty modeling. If you examine the Immediate and Urgent Tracks in the attached model, you'll see that Activities 70, 80 and 100 use themselves as predecessors. While 70 and 80 are also started by Activity 60 - based on percentages - Activity 100 isn't. Two questions - 1. What happens when an Activity uses itself as its own predecessor? and 2. How is Activity 100 activated? acuity.fsm