
Katharina Albert avatar image
Katharina Albert asked Katharina Albert answered

Conveyor transfers jump (graphics issue)


I am making a short video for a product presentation and the bottles jump at the transfers between the conveyors. I took the production line from a 7.7 model, but the conveyors were created in latest version. I have also tried to re-connect them all, but the issue persists. When you let it run at speed 1, you can observe that always when the bottles pass over an inline conveyor transfer they jump for a split second to another location and back. Also at the entry and exit transfers they enter from different position. Did anyone have this issue before and knows what is causing this?

Thanks for your help,


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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

Because of the order in which objects are drawn in the model, moving the ConveryorSystem to the top of the tree, makes sure that items are being drawn in the correct order. This should resolve the "jitter" that happens between conveyor segments.

I've reattached your model below.


treeorder.png (7.7 KiB)
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Katharina Albert avatar image
Katharina Albert answered

Perfect thanks for the quick reply, you are a star :-) Now everything running smooth... I usually don't move this, but had to access the tree a lot and was lazy moving other stuff to the top hahhaaa

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