
sanaz karamimoghaddam avatar image
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sanaz karamimoghaddam asked Adrian Haws answered

AGV paths disappearing when I add an object from library

I am trying to make a model using AGV paths, and as soon as I drag and drop a source, the AGV connections disappear. They sometimes appear when I zoom in but I cannot work with them because the come and go repetitively. I faced a similar problem with network nodes. They sometimes disappear or jump to another location. I was wondering if it is due to a bug in the program or if there's anybody experiencing the same issue?

FlexSim 16.2.0
network nodesagv pathgraphicsdisappearing
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@sanaz karamimoghaddam can you reproduce the behaviour of Flexsim on another computer with a different graphic card? If this isn't possible can you install a different software graphic card driver? In this matter it is important to install a version that has lesser features than the current installed one.

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