
Stijn Vermeulen avatar image
Stijn Vermeulen asked Sam Stubbs commented

Are there msi installations files available for FlexSim 16.2.0

FlexSim 16.2.0
installationmsi install filesilent unattendedmsi
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Sam Stubbs commented

I've added the 16.2.0 msi files to the Downloads section for all FlexSim Accounts. You can see all FlexSim versions by hitting the "More Versions" button, but the .msi files also show up right under the giant download box in the FlexSim 2016 Update 2 detail:

We'll consider uploading the .msi files to all future releases. If anyone ever needs any .msi files that we haven't posted previously, just request it in a new question!

moreversionsmsi.png (297.5 KiB)
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