
Raashid Mohammed avatar image
Raashid Mohammed asked Phil BoBo edited

Is there a way to create a game in flexsim ?


This is a generic question

I was wondering if we can create a game using flexsim

for example

I have a simple work station. and Operator

I want to control the operator walk to the location using keyboard

such as when I press forward button the operator goes forward, and backward button the operator moves backward, left, right and pick and drop

Can you guys share as simple example with source, processor, operator and sink. if possible



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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Yes. Attached is an example model of a game built in FlexSim where you "can control the movement by pressing keyboard forward, back, left, right, Pick and Place movement on the operator object."

It has a Custom GUI called Game View that is set as the Model Control GUI.

Within the Game View is a Perspective view with customized OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp, and OnPreDraw that has the game logic.

Arrow keys move the operator.

Pressing Spacebar loads and unloads items to the queues.

Press the Play button in the Game View in order to start the game.

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