can anyone please help me to make the model faster. I have like 10 objects in the model and a background autocad file, which is just a part of layout not even a complete layout. But still it's slow. Please help me solve the issue.
can anyone please help me to make the model faster. I have like 10 objects in the model and a background autocad file, which is just a part of layout not even a complete layout. But still it's slow. Please help me solve the issue.
What part of it is slow? Running the model? or moving around in the 3D view?
Moving around in the model is slow. I believe its because of autocad background. Is there any way to toggle (on/off) the background.
Please see answer here. Thanks for asking in a new question.
Without your model, it is impossible to tell what is slowing it down. But my first guess would be that your AutoCAD file is too large. I would strip that file (drawing) down to bare minimums that you must have in your model. Get rid of the rest.
Thanks Jeff. I already did it. Is there any way I can hide the background file?
Please see answer here. Thanks for asking in a new question.
@sachin tandulkarAlso check if you still have shadows on. If you have these on it takes quite on a toll on the graphics speed
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