
sachin tandulkar avatar image
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sachin tandulkar asked Phil BoBo edited

Can we toggle on and off the background in FlexSim?

Can we toggle on and off the background in FlexSim?

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backgroundtoggle background
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Phil BoBo edited

So you can hide or show objects using the command: switch_hideshape().

switch_hideshape(BackgroundNode,1) (this would hide the object)

switch_hideshape(BackgroundNode,0) (this shows the object.)

Replace BackgroundNode with a reference to your own background object. You can find the node from your model tree.

You could also add this hide/show logic to buttons on a Dashboard to make it more accessible.

I've attached a simple model demonstrating this.


hidebutton.fsm (12.5 KiB)
· 3
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