
Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt asked Mischa Spelt commented

Match event parameters by value

It would be very useful if the Wait For Event and Event-Triggered Source activities allow matching an event trigger parameter by constant value, rather than by label.

For example, suppose I want to wait for an item to enter through port two in a Wait For Event. At the moment, I have to create an Assign Labels activity that creates a label "port", set it to 2, then in the Wait For Event I can "match" the Input Port to the label.

It would be pretty cool if instead of just a "match (label)" option, there is also a "match value" option so I can just type in "2" into the first column and select "match value" from the second column.

Using an Event-Triggered Source, it's even a bit more complicated: before the token is created it has no labels, so I have to create a token for all entry events, grab the input port to a label, and then Decide whether to keep them or throw them right into a sink.

There it would also be nice to have a similar setup to the Wait For Event option, but with only the "assign" and "match value" options and of course not "match label" and "insert at front".

FlexSim 16.2.2
process flowwait for eventfeature requestevent-triggered sourcematch label
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered Mischa Spelt commented

You ought to post this as an idea, not a question, so people can vote on it.

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