
Jon Abbott avatar image
Jon Abbott asked Jon Abbott edited

What is the best way to make an OnResourceAvailable trigger fire only once?

I'm trying to create an OnResourceAvailable trigger for an Operator that runs once and then deletes itself so that it won't run again. Please see the attached model as a simplified example. On model reset, it adds an OnResourceAvailable trigger to Operator1, and that runs at time 30 when the Operator becomes available. The code then deletes the trigger using setnodestr. What seems to happen after time 30 is that it keeps running the code whenever the operator is available again (time 120, 210, etc. based on TimeTable1), even though the OnResourceAvailable trigger is now blank. This can be seen by stopping the model after the message box pops up at time 120 and looking at the triggers tab under the operator's properties. In my full model, the trigger is being added dynamically to an operator based on certain conditions, and I would like for it to run only once. I'm looking for a solution that does not use Process Flow if possible. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Jon Abbott edited

If you want your On Resource Available to fire just once, your best option would be to add a label to your Operator that has a default value of 0. Then in your trigger you'd say:

  1. if (!getlabel(current, "triggerFired")) {
  2. //Do stuff
  3. setlabel(current, "triggerFired", 1);
  4. }
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Mischa Spelt avatar image
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Mischa Spelt answered Jon Abbott edited

Hi Jon,

I don't know why the trigger code keeps firing despite the fact that you rebuilt the node FlexScript. However, untoggling the node seems to help: if I add the line

  1. switch_flexscript(OperatorORATrigger, 0);

in the DelOpTrigger code and of course re-enable it with

  1. switch_flexscript(OperatorORATrigger, 1);

in the AddOpTrigger you seem to get the desired behavior.

I also tried untoggling the node, then setting the new content, then re-toggling and building it, but it seems like this cannot be done from the same function (probably if you would use a senddelayedmessage to re-toggle it, you could get it to work).

The solution will therefore probably not work if you want to change the code, but if you just want to disable it, this workaround may help you.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jon Abbott commented

I would write source code inside a node and use the command "nodefunction" to execute this node. In the resource available trigger I would check only a node or a label used as a flag to see, if some code or nodefunction should be executed at all. This way I don't have to tweak or bend the flexsim engine structure to achieve using variable source code.

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