
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How do I set the color of the new operator in FlexScript?


Previously when I wanted to change the color of the operator I changed the color of the object. With the new FlexSim 2019 Update 1 operator visuals the colors are separate for all the different parts of the clothes.

How can I e.g. set the color of the shirt of the person using FlexScript?

An option for the color of a certain piece of clothing (or many) to use the same color as the object could also be a nice improvement.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


FlexSim 19.1.0
flexscriptoperatorcolor change
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1 Answer

martin.j avatar image
martin.j answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Hi Axel,

In the new people type operators you will finde a new node called Operator -> visual / localshapedata. This node contains a table with all the current clothes and options for the task executer. I suggest right clicking on the nameless subnode and chosing "Explore as table" to see the options in a table.

In the table you can see which shapes are currently visible by looking for the zeroes in the hideMesh column. There is also a column named useObjectColor. If set to 1, the mesh will take the color of the overall object color. You can now dictate the color of the clothes for instance by setting the main color of the object, but of course this only allows you to set one color. If you want to programaticllay set the clothing color seperatly you need to go a bit deeper:

Each row node in the table has the simple-data-type and infomation on the clothing or body part. In the nodes there is a 'diffuseColor' tag that defines the color.

If you access the node and use the command:

  1. setsdtvalue(sdtNode, "valName", value);

You can now set the 'diffuseColor':

  1. treenode sdtNode = so;
  2. Array color =;
  3. setsdtvalue(sdtNode, "diffuseColor", color);

For more info on setsdtvalue, see this: Topic

operator1.png (75.6 KiB)
operator2.png (75.7 KiB)
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