
Mathilde DOUSSET avatar image
Mathilde DOUSSET asked Joerg Vogel edited

How to have an initial quantity on a conveyor at time 0?


I explain my system: I have one combiner who products a pallets of rearaxles (3 rearaxles per pallets), this pallets are taken by an AGV to unload on a conveyor 3. Then, an other AGV load this pallets (who are on teh conveyor 3) and unload it on the conveyor 1.

I would like at time 0 , the conveyor 3 have already a pallets (4 pallets), is it possible?

Thank you for your help



FlexSim 16.2.0
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Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton answered

Hi @Mathilde DOUSSET one way that may work is to duplicate your sources and combiners to input pallets onto conveyor 3 at the startup. I copied the source and combiner, then changed the arrival of the pallets source to a schedule input of 1. However, it's not exactly at time 0. Stepping through the model is at 3 seconds before the pallets are on the conveyor. 3938-livraisonaxeavant.fsm

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited
@Mathilde DOUSSET
  1. for(int numpallets = 1; numpallets <= 4;numpallets++)
  2. {createcopy(node("MODEL:/Tools/FlowItemBin/Pallet_train_avant/Pallet_train_avant"),model(),1);
  3. setitemtype(last(model()),1);
  4. for(int index = 2; index >= 0; index--)
  5. {createcopy(node("MODEL:/Tools/FlowItemBin/Train_avant/Train_avant"),last(model),1);
  6. nodefunction(node("MAIN:/project/exec/globals/nodefunctions/palletentry"),last(model()),last(last(model())));
  7. setitemtype(last(last(model())),1);
  8. }
  9. moveobject(last(model),node("MODEL:/EntryTransfer54"),1);}

The above code creates 4 pallets with 3 train_avant items on it in the EntryTransfer54 of the conveyor3. The line nodefunction executes the palletentry mechanism to place the train_avant on top.

You can execute the code in a script console or any onReset trigger.

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