
Antonio Tartaglione avatar image
Antonio Tartaglione asked Matthew Gillespie commented

how can i assign a colour and percentage to a flowitem?

Es: the item type 1 must be the 20% of the flowitem and it must be coloured yellowand the item type 2 must be the 80% of flowitem and it must be coloured blue.

Choose One
sourcecolor change
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
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Rodrigo Lamas answered Matthew Gillespie commented
@Antonio Tartaglione

You need to go into the Source / Triggers / On Creation / Data / Set ItemType by Percentage After that click in the Green + and include Visual / Set Color By Case, according bellow: Regards!

source.png (60.2 KiB)
· 4
5 |100000

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Johan Stiven MRR avatar image Johan Stiven MRR commented ·

Hi @Rodrigo Lamas. ¿How can i do this in 2020? Some characteristics were changed...

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Johan Stiven MRR commented ·

On the Source's Triggers tab hit the green add button and choose the OnCreation option. Now next to the newly added OnCreation field hit its green add button and choose Data > Set Label By Percentage. Hit the green plus button in the new popup and add Visual > Set Color by Case. Then fill them out like this:


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typebypercent.fsm (137.1 KiB)
Ricardo G9 avatar image Ricardo G9 commented ·

@rodrigo.lamas como se realiza esto si utilizo la opcion arrival schelude, y tengo como cantidad total 10 cajas. Aplico los porcentajes segun lo que colocaste pero cuando simulo el 80% me da 7 cajas y deberian ser 8. te agradeceria que nos mostraras como hacer que los porcentajes si se cumplan. te adjunto fotos de lo que me pasa

Type 1 80%

type 2 20%

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1597019741830.png (122.4 KiB)
1597019760952.png (40.5 KiB)
1597020828983.png (507.5 KiB)
Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Ricardo G9 commented ·

See this answer to a similar question.

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